Dienstag, 9. Juni 2015

USA new bungle - Aztecan Builder's Bundle

This thread is for introducing the new USA bungle called Aztecan Builder;s Bundle. The bundle is similar to Arcane Builder's bundle.

The bundle contains:
1.Build-a-castle plot and pieces (The second house is hider behind the waterfall)
2. Feathered raptor mount
3. Toucan't pet
4. Wild wind outfit
5. Wild wing shield and axe
6. 1 month membership for UK players. USA can select between 1 month membership or 5000 crowns.

Here you can get information about the gear and wand stats.

I would like to share with you my thoughts  about this bundle.

The pet looks so cute. It is one of the cutest pets in this game.The pet animation is so cool.

I am not big fen of mounts but I love the bundle mount.

Here is video in which you can see the bundle:

What do you think about the bundle? I would like to get your opinions. Feel free to leave comments.

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