Dienstag, 1. März 2016

Ice magical competition UK

Hello dear friends,
To celebrate the

Ice school fete

I have a very simple and easy competition with some icy rewards.
What should you do? Simply download the ice serpent image and colour it. Make the best ice serpent.
When you are ready send it to mysteries_of_the_spiral_uk@yahoo.com. Use subject: Ice fete

Start date: 01.03.2016
End date: 10.03.2016

1st place Fog staff
2nd place Fog staff
3rd place Fog staff
4th place 2 yelitide packs
5th place 2 yelitide packs
6th place 2 yelitide packs
7th place 2 yelitide packs
8th place 2 yelitide packs

We will have 8 winners. Yes 8 of you can grab rewards! Do not miss this opportunity!

The image can be found here:

Good luck to all!

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